When I learned that one of my friends would be having a baby I promptly started dreaming up knitting projects for the new arrival. I remembered her showing me these blankets from Purl Soho that she adored months and months ago, long before she was even pregnant, so I decided to surprise her with my own version.
One evening while having dinner with her and husband we start talking about knitting and she begins to show me a new project she's working on. "It's this really simple baby blanket", she says as she pulls out the beginning of the blanket from her bag. As soon as I saw the wide stripes of bold color I knew we were making the same blanket. I pulled out my own unfinished baby blanket to show her and she laughed in surprise and delight.
It was a funny but pleasant way to be reminded of our friendship, and at least I know she's going to like it!

Alexis! It's gorgeous! I'm feeling all happy, emotional pregnant, can't wait to see it!