Now here's a dish I don't make nearly enough.
It's so rich and delicious, please do me a favour and make this tonight Ok?
Adapted from Martha Stewart
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
3 sprigs of robust herbs such as thyme, sage or rosemary*
2 pounds of potatoes and turnips
salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Infuse cream by combining cream and herbs in a saucepan and bringing to just under a boil. Remove from heat and let sit for 30 minutes. Strain to remove herbs.
Using a mandoline slice potatoes and turnips as thin as possible.
Butter casserole dish arrange sliced potatoes in a single layer over the bottom of the dish. Next arrange turnips in a single layer over potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Repeat layering of vegetables, seasoning in between every other layer until dish is full.
Slowly pour infused cream over vegetables (it should almost cover the vegetables). Cover with foil and bake until vegetables are tender; about 45 minutes. Then remove foil and bake for another 15 minutes until golden brown and bubbling.
*I was lazy and used dried rosemary a few cloves of garlic this time, but it is really wonderful with fresh herbs.
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